Bentley View Help

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts, are shortcuts to specific groups or tools in the ribbon. The product supports multi-level keyboard shortcuts. Depending on the key-ins assigned, the tools, ribbon group pop-ups, or pop-up menus are displayed.

The default keyboard shortcut for <Space> key contains tools as well as shortcuts for different ribbon groups.

(Technology Preview) Recents tab

The Recents tab displays the command icons that were most recently used. Clicking any of these icons will enable you to place the commands.

The Recents tab only appears during the current session and will disappear once the session ends. It will reset the next time you open MicroStation.
You can customize the number of commands displayed in the Recents tab by scrolling the Max Recent Icons pane in the Preferences dialog, Input Category.

You can also open the Recents tab by using the ribbon grouppopup Admin\Interface\Recents keyin.

Note: To switch between tabs, keep your cursor within the tab and scroll the mouse wheel.

Quick Tools Menu

The keyboard shortcuts <Q> or <[> open the quick tools menu. This pop-up menu contains shortcuts to frequently used tools and ribbon group-pop-ups.

Left - Pop-up menu displayed when you press <Q> | Right - Pop-up menu displayed when you press <[>

Another ribbon group pop-up is that of the View tools. It displays the frequently used tools from the View tab. It is displayed when you press <Shift> and right-click in the view window.
Note: You can also use keytips for ribbon group pop-ups that display when you enter a keyboard shortcut. With the ribbon group displayed at the pointer position, if you press <Alt>, the keytips for the tools in the group are displayed. The keytip for an individual tool is also displayed when you hover the pointer over the tool in the ribbon group pop-up.

Quick Element Information

The keyboard shortcut <ALT> + Reset opens the quick element information menu. This pop-up menu contains General information of the selected element. You can view and edit the element's attributes in this menu.